Friday 9 March 2012

Lia turned 3

I will take a break for today and write about/for Lia.

Darling Lia,
You turned 3 a few days ago and I have been wanting to write you this letter. Because one day you will have a child who will be 3 and I have no doubt that she will be driving you up the wall at times and you will wonder what you must have been like at this age, because I do and you are like me in so many ways. So let's hope Google won't get bust and we will remember and find this letter for you.
You are a fragile little thing, your face and body so delicate, you weigh a whooping 12 kg, but nothing could be further from the truth, you are wild and brave, you protect your older sister if someone wants to hurt her and well, my dear, you are the most stubborn person I have met. I am sure this will (somewhat) change as you get older, and you get more emotionally intelligent to match the immense brain power, but for now there isn't an inch of compromise in your reasoning and you love to reason.
You love Tara and Fi dearly and share your things very nicely with them, you can play so well together until something happens and you shriek at the top of your voice until you get what you want.
You are alarmingly intelligent, I can only hope that we will be able to educate you in a school that won't bore you to death and kill your desire to learn. I will be watching you closely my dear, you will for sure not choose some ordinary profession, your interests are already so varied, i just hope you will choose something that won't make you starve :-).
You sometimes bite when you are mad and you lick our faces when you want to express your love.
It has been difficult for you since Fi was born, becoming the middle child is never easy, I hear. But you are coping with it reasonably well, demanding lots of attention for yourself and melting down ever so often, but this is all good and normal, you get lots of special time with me, your dad and with Margo too. You are mummy's little Roo and I wouldn't have it any other way. Happy Birthday Lia!!!
PS. You have asked to start ballet as your birthday gift and we took this picture right before your first class...

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