Monday 27 February 2012

9 month measurements

Well... I am a bit frustrated today, I know I shouldn't make a huge deal of these stupid measurements, but still... I really don't think the pediatrician measured Fi well at all today...

So for her head she had 46.5 cm which in her chart is the 91st percentile, in mine it's the 97th, I am consistently measuring her head at 46.3... I know it's .2 cm but it is about seeing if her HC is coming down... I suppose I will find out over the next few months... Grrrr...

Length is even more off... The smallest I ever get her at is 63 cm and she has her at 61.5... that would put her at the mean on the achon chart...

I know I shouldn't obsess over these month after month, but I do, I obsess, it is who I am :-)...

Bonus picture of a pretty girl to cheer me up... My hair is really CRAP on this picture, I look a lot better than this, really :-))))


  1. I take all measurments with a grain of salt. I've had LH measured at the ped and the endo in the same month, and they are never the same. The endo always comes back smaller, and they will tell you they are the ones who measure right.

    Your little girl is a cutie!

  2. Hi,
    Thanks, I know, doctors love to think they are right... and I do too :-)))
