Sunday 7 October 2012

It is Sunday night

and I am hectically trying to finish up all work, get the house sorted, do all kids Admin, etc. Before I head off to London for a team meeting for 3 days.
I work every night, it's the price I pay for having the afternoon for my children... Most nights I don't mind, but now as I will be leaving for 2 nights, I would like to snuggle up between them (Tara and Lia share a double bed :-))...

For 3 days, I will be a career woman, I will dress up nicely, have proper make up on, wear business clothes with no food, snot and puke on them. I will be known for me, as the funny and intelligent and humble creature I am... I will wear jewelry without it becoming a choking hazard. I am getting a manicure done tomorrow morning, YAY for business trips...

I will bring 2 books along, I will get tipsy with my colleagues - for my American readers, this is a European thing, we have thins thing, we must get drunk together with the people we work with... Don't ask me why... I won't get very drunk, good Lord, I have been pregnant and/or breastfeeding for 6 years, I take 2 sips of wine and I am done...  Long are the days of my alcohol tolerance gone.

I will be up until the early hours in the morning, chatting with old friends, feeling like a person in my own right. I may even have a bath, I don't think I actually had one since Fi was born.

And then by about Wednesday afternoon, I will start to miss my children terribly, I will look at all my career focused colleagues in the city and know that this self-important life wouldn't satisfy me any longer, I want snot on my clothes... and I am happy to be someone's mummy... This is when I will turn to Louise, she is the only other female on our team on about 20 30 some year olds with kids... We made a pact that we will go to a quiet corner and do the mummy talk when we get really desperate...

So yes, I am all freaked out about leaving Fi for 2 nights, she LOVEs to feed, she comes up to me, and pulls on my top and bra and says milk-milk ever so often... I have no idea, how she will cope, but probably she will be a lot less upset than I am for having to leave them for a few days...

I know that I have an easy life and the vast majority of women need to get up and get dressed and leave their kids every day, and even over night... I do realize how extremely fortunate I am to have such an amazing employer. But still, I will miss them terribly... Maybe one of my work mates will throw up all over my clothes, that may make me feel a bit better...


  1. What a luxury- all that time to yourself! And what heartbreak- all that time without the girls :( Since you have to be gone, do enjoy, but I hope you were able to steal some snuggle time in there last night. I'll bet the break doesn't disrupt the breastfeeding too much, though I know the feeling- your body literally aches for the child when you're not together. At least it'll make the coming home that much sweeter.

  2. Thanks Both.
    I love the way you put that Vanessa, the mother's body does ache in the absence of her baby... Weird...
