Friday 28 September 2012


I am exhausted, all my children really seem to suffer when they are teething, Fi is the same. She wakes up a lot... I think by now, I am used to it, I just drink extreme amounts of coffee. While I am looking forward to all her teeth to arrive and for her to sleep through and no doubt self-wean, I am not ready for it just yet. I am going away for a business meeting in 2 weeks for 3 days, 2 nights precisely and I really hope that she won't give up nursing yet. I love the way her little body curls up against mine, how she pats my arm while I feed her. Nobody else will ever experience that relationship with her, it is ours for ever.
I don't think we will have more kids, so when she stops, a phase will be over. I may actually become a C cup again, now that I wouldn't mind...

1 comment:

  1. I love the nursing relationship. LH is our last, and while part of me is ready for him to be done, I'm not pushing it. He only nurses at night, and is fine when I am not there, but he's not ready to stop yet either. I love how quickly it soothes him.
