Wednesday 29 August 2012

The methodology

We are in the thick of it now: school is starting tomorrow for Tara and Monday for Lia. I am still doing my old job and the new one and have a very interesting project that I am running at work as well... And we have 5 doctors apts between now and oct, 2 trips abroad, countless playdates and event... But I am not neglecting my reading about GH treatment for hypochondroplasia...

So here is what I have been doing, my mind is about to explode:

- Understand GH treatment, the history, how it is used for non- GH deficient children
- Understand the history and findings of GH treatment for children with hypochondroplasia
- Because I am the most risk averse person on the planet, I have read lots of studies on the safety of GH in general: including the infamous original French SAGHE study - if anyone wants it, let me know I have it from the Journal of Endocrinology, and the Belgian/Danish study and the critiques of the French study
- Then I have read about any potential adverse reactions for HCH/ACH

So now, I will just have to find the time to summarize my thoughts, share the links and then formulate my questions for the visit with the French professor...


  1. Whew! This past week has been a whirlwind here, too. I am finally taking a night for myself after working until exhaustion the rest of the week. Wanted to give you a HUGE thanks for sharing all of your findings with us. I don't have a "science brain" and I really wish I did. It's hard for me to retain scientific info, even when it pertains to my own daughter and potentially her future. I'm going to work on that, though.

  2. I'm with Vanessa. I don't have a brain for science either, so I really appreciate hearing your take on this.

    My craziness is about to start!
