Thursday, 16 August 2012

Another study update about GH treatment

Thanks to our Belgian correspondent, here is an update of the larger scale study that's happening: 

I will submit my final assignment for the summer on Monday and will then do nothing else (hahaha) until mid Sep than organize all my articles, thoughts about GH treatment.


  1. HI I have stumbled upon your web site and am very interested in any information you have on HGH in Hypo children. I am a mother of a 5 1/2 yr old Hypo. child. We didn't know until she was 3 that she had this condition. She is happy and healthy. I would love to speak with you about what you have learned about HGH and how to get this treatment for my little Maggie.

    1. Hi Julie,
      If you send me an e-mail to I can let you know what I know.
