Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Major moaning alert...

Another doctor visit has gone by, another 4 paracetamols... I wish I could wash it down with a some hard liquor..., this is my blog I get to leave everyone in suspense, does she really take painkillers and drinks and breastfeeds... no.
 Seriously, I can guarantee though, I develop a massive headache by the end of every medical visit. It has gotten so bad, that I now take paracetamol with me in Fi's medical notes folder... You don't have a medical notes folder, you are no REAL type A, and as far as I can see, only really anal type A people read my blog, like me... Love it. Many just come back for every post and never comment, kind of love that too. Don't misunderstand, I love the comments, but I love the suspense part as well. I am getting a bit carried away today with my painkillers and imaginary drink, aren't I.
So back to the stress of medical appointments. I work, albeit from home and have flex hours (I work mornings and evenings, enjoy kids and do house crap in afternoons), but I still need to put in a good 8 hours work every day and a bit over the weekend to keep up my game with the single girls who run around in their suits at the office looking glamorous, while I slob at home and juggle the 3 girls.
Must remember not to organize any play-dates or conference calls, or anything even remotely relevant for the day. (Hope you notice that I have my priorities correct, childen's play-dates before international conf calls). I start a list of questions a good while before as well, print out relevant previous notes, research, correspondence to annoy the doctors with, they love me. Never does one have such a short time to establish ground rules than when meeting with a doctor...
The stress mounts the day before, must remember to tell the nanny (she is normally here in the mornings) to come later. With all this preparation you would think it will be a walk in the park... Right.
How it actually went today will need to be included in part 2, as I fear I am so long-winded that noone will ever read this post. I had to breastfeed 3 times the teething Fiona while I typed these 20 lines...


  1. I'm sorry you had such a day. Belalu, too, has her medical binder that is already several inches thick. I get quite the workout carrying her and it around to all the appointments ;)

  2. All medical appointments freak me out, we have 5 this month, yay!!!

  3. Our family doctor mentioned once that he was amazed at how much paper work was sent to him for LH's file. I hope you are able to relax over the weekend.
