Saturday, 16 June 2012

ENT update

Instead of moaning, I will just focus on the outcome of the ENT appointment on Wednesday. So, you might recall from this post that last month we saw the audiologist and one of the tubes was out, the other one was on the way out, but Fi's hearing was not impacted yet. I had no illusions I was quite certain that fluid would rapidly accumulate in her middle ear and sure enough the ENT consultant could already see it on last Wednesday. She can still hear well, but I think it might start to impact her hearing slightly already. The tube still hasn't fallen out of the other ear yet, so she is grand there.
Since July-Aug is the holiday season here, we have agreed that I will get her hearing tested late Aug and we made an appointment for Sep 5 to see her again. I must say I like this doctor, she remembered everything about us, or read her notes, she is kind and interested in Fi, asked about her motor skills for example, and she could do all this in 3 minutes. The fast that she didn't have us wait for an hour was an added bonus.
I think there is a very small tiny chance that the issue will resolve itself as we are heading into the summer and will be in warm climate for 3 weeks, but I am not banking on it. So I guess I need to start reading up on different types of ear tubes, Dr P. said to look into a more permanent solution, as if she has fluid now, it means that she will probably need tubes until she is about 8 or so. I guess in the US they would do T-tubes, but it's not something commonly used here... The ENT suggested titanium tubes before as something that may last for 1.5 - 2 years with slightly increased risk of perforation, but not as high of a risk as with T-tubes... Not sure, from what I have read about them, that I am convinced... Need to balance the risk of perforation with the risk of annual surgery and there is only so many tubes an eardrum can take apparently... I have 2 assignments for university over the next 2 weeks, but once I am done, this will be my next project, YAY it never ends.


  1. As you weigh the plus/minuses of multiple surgeries, I wanted to draw your attention to this study. I'm not sure if you've heard of it already. It is just an initial finding, but I know how important it is for you to get all sides of the story, so I thought I'd share.

  2. Thanks Vanessa. I know, annual surgeries suck anyhow... but she needs to hear well and I don't want her to have a perforated eardrum... so once I finish assignment number 2 for my university course I can read up on this a bit more, at least it is well documented...
