Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Article about the Multiplier


I think it's a really cool app...


  1. This is cool, but not sure how helpful it is for hypo. In theory, those with hypo would be taller than those with acon, but shorter than those of average stature. So, for Belalu I guess I'd suppose it's somewhere in the middle of those two? Does Fiona's Dr. use the acon charts for her check=ups?

  2. Neat. Going to try and download it for my phone. My daughter will be 8 next month, so it would be cool to see.

    Vanessa, we've only had one doctor visit since LH was diagnosed (well, 2, but one was the week after), and our ped had an achon chart to use.

  3. The multiplier doesn't work for hypo, but it does work for achon, that's why I keep posting about it, it is a great tool that is not known enough...
    You are right, the height of kids with HCH will be somewhere between that of ACH and HCH. As Fi has the most common mutation, she is probably going to be the lower end of the quoted height of HCH. Dr P. says that he will be able to make an estimate based on height and height velocity when she is about 2. Obviously the estimate gets refined every year, but he says he can estimate within +/- an inch. But I imagine she will be about 128-135 cm.
    As for charts we use both. Dr P said to use achon weight for age and weight/height charts by all means as the AH charts are completely inaccurate for our kids.
