Tuesday, 10 April 2012

It happens to be

my birthday today, but please don't wish me happy birthday, it's very kind of people to do so and lots of family and friends called me and texted and sent silly messages on FB. But I am really not into the whole thing of celebrating a year going by. Don't really understand why people do that over the age of 18 or 21... Anyhow, but now I am acutely aware that a year has gone. I have been thinking about this all last week in fact.
It was on Wednesday April 13th 2011 that the sonographer measured Fi's femur and said that it was very short. She called the fetal medicine director in who said to measure all the long bones and they were all on the short side, some of them below the 5th percentile. He said to come back to a rescan in 4 weeks, but he thought it was still in the normal range.
I knew in my heart of hearts then that there would be something going on...


  1. Even though you said not to...I have to...Happy Birthday! :)
    I still remember the day we were told Reid's femur was measuring short which lead to the next appointment where I felt like I died! :( It's so hard to go back and relive that experience. Hope you have a great day!

  2. Thanks Jenn :-)
    Yes, next appointment was even harder, will write about it shortly..., maybe :-(
