Saturday 19 November 2011

This and that

I haven't written for a while, I have so many things that I want to write about, why am I not doing it..?. I guess I have realized that I only have 2 weeks left from my maternity leave, so I am trying to spend it with the kids and I also started a masters, strangely enough I will have more time when I start to work, because I will have a nanny looking after Hannah every morning, so I haven't given up my hopes to make this blog a really informative one...
I also need to start to write more so that I don't freak my poor husband out by oversharing all my worries with him, it's a thing that we, mothers do, and men can't really relate to.
Fi is doing great, she really is the cutest baby ever, so chatty and smiley... I can't wait to see how she will change once she will get her ear tubes in in 2 weeks, it will be so nice to know that she will hear a lot better after that.
She also had a head CT, the local radiologist said that it looked good, but I won't believe anything until Dr. Pauli will have reviewed it next week, as this is the same radiologist who sent us home telling us that there was nothing wrong with her.
Tara has had so many playdates since she started school this September, well, I am sure other kids had much more, but for my standards, having 4 friends that regularly want to get together with her is fantastic, so this week another mum texted me organize something and when I said it to George he said the most painful thing again: He said that he bets noone will want to play with Fiona. He says something like this and I spend 3 weeks  thinking about it, chewing over it. He is such an introvert, he just gets on with it, yet from little comments like this, I can tell that he is always thinking of her condition and how she might be disadvantaged because of it...

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