Friday 26 August 2011

There will be no MRI...

Before we had a diagnosis, when there was doubt whether  Fi had achondroplasia or hypo I asked our pead to get a CT scan done, based on Dr. Pauli's instructions. For achon it's important to get a baseline to see the amount of fluid and the foramen magnum. A CT is better than an MRI because although it involves radiation, it is quicker, they can do it without sedation and there is a chart about foramen magnum size, this doesn't exist when the imaging is done using an MRI.

 When we found that that she has hypo, these instructions changed: no need to do a CT unless HC is off the average chart, which isn't the case for now anyhow.

Our pead nevertheless referred us to an MRI last month, needless to say up to today we didn't even get an appointment and I have decided that unless her HC is off the chart there will be no MRI. I will not starve this child for 8 hours and have her put under general anesthesia for something she doesn't need. I think she will have plenty of procedures in her lifetime, so we will hold off this one.

Also, if they find some brain abnormality I would just worry myself to death about what that implies in terms of learning difficulties, cognitive issues, etc. And if they told me that everything is fine, I wouldn't believe completely anyhow, since the same doctors told us that the X-rays were all clear... So I guess it's not even about not wanting to know, it is about not wanting to do something that will tell us nothing for sure...

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