Monday 15 August 2011

My middle child

This is Lia. She is our second daughter and thus the one I am most worried about right now. Arriving of a new sibling is never easy for the older kids, it is especially not easy when you are 2.5 and going through the terrible twos. It's even harder when you are a real mammy's girl and were breastfeeding up until a few weeks ago... I guess starting creche (though she has been begging for it for months) was not a good idea either.

I am not sure how much of the drama before and shortly after Fi's birth the girls understood, I am sure they noticed that we were a lot more impatient. I remember Tara kept saying for days that "something was in her eyes, that is why she kept crying", I must have said that a few times for her to remember.
I guess things have calmed down a lot now, we are almost back to our old selves, but now, the problem is that often I can't attend to Lia when she wants me (which is nearly all the time) and I can't go with them when G takes them out, we can't use a sling for Fi as she can't support her head yet and she would just scream her head off in the stroller. I can't wait to be able to carry her everywhere and have 2 hands free for the other 2.

What is Lia like, she is a real mini-me, that is why she can annoy me a lot more than Tara at times, she not only hold the mirror any child would to a parent, but she shows me how much fun it can be to live with me at times.
She is curious and witty, she is the type of child that you can't be mad at, because she will say something that will have you in stitches. Her speech is insanely good, she lisps, but her vocabulary and grammar is better than her 4.5 year old sister's. She is very affectionate, when she is upset or tired, her cure always is to be in our arms.
She is very sweet to all other kids, but fights like a woman possessed with Tara, I guess this is what sisters do, but I must admit, I find it quite tiring, I am sure it will be better in like 10 years...
We always wanted to have 4 kids, 3 is a lonely number for someone, and I think that tends to be the middle child, but I am almost certain that I couldn't face another pregnancy, so we might have to stick with the lonely number and just work on the loneliness part...

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