Wednesday 10 August 2011

Grandma list 1

For the longest time, well, ever since we started having kids, I have wanted to start a list for me, when I will be a granny, to remind me of what I as a young mother needed as help. I hope that I will to see all 3 girls having children, but I won't go down the sentimental route now...

So why the granny list, because both grannies in our families - as gorgeous and well meaning as they are - because they are both lovely and always have our and the kids' best interest at heart, have been driving us up the flippin' wall ever since the girls were born :-). We love them dearly and we know that we too are far from perfect...

So I will add the first item today: When my daughter will spend her daily hour in front  of the computer without having to attend to any of the children, I shall not initiate the discussion of recipes :-)...

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