Sunday 14 August 2011

Developmental milestones 0-2 months

I thought I would document these, they are fun for us to remember and could be helpful for others whose kids have hypo.

There is no dev milestone chart for kids with hypo, I am guessing that their development is somewhere between that of average height kids and of children with achondroplasia.

There is a special chart for achondroplasia which might be helpful.

OK, so what can Fi do at nearly 11 weeks:
- she can smile - she started at about 5 weeks
- she can chuckle softly (not a real loud laugh yet, more like a giggle) - started at about 8 weeks
- she can turn her head from side to side - started at 8 weeks
- she "plays" with her playgym toys -if she is in the mood, she started trying to hit them at about 6 weeks
- she can track a toy with her eyes when interested, but she won't turn her head towards it, only slightly, she tracks really well up and down
- she can recognize her favorite song - I kid you not, there is one tune that never fails to make her smile
- she can say "awwwa" and gurgle
- she can roll over from her tummy - she did this tons of times, but I guess the size of her head may help a little bit, but it is deffo intentional and she does need to rock herself over - since about 8 weeks
- she can push herself up on her tummy and hold her head for like a minute
- she recognizes the different family members and responds appropriately, she loves me and Tara most, Tara's voice seems to sooth her a lot. She also recognizes Lia and is scared to death each time - Lia loves Fi and as any 2 year old would, she expresses it with lots of unwanted hugs and kisses, she is also very loud so that doesn't help either. She loves her daddy a lot, her favorite pastime is chilling out on G's chest.
- She knows when I am about to feed her, she looks at my breast as if I was a grilled chicken or something...

What she seems slower at:
- she has quite good head control, but I am almost certain that the other 2 would have had nearly full head control by this age,
- turning her head side to side when lying down - she can do it, but is not turning as much as I would expect at this age, I am putting it down to the size of her head as opposed to her length
- she likes to turn her head to the left side, so she isn't that interested in looking at the playgym toys above her

What we are doing loads with her:
- Singing while holding her, rocking her to the rhythm of the songs
- Talking to her at the horrible high-pitched voice that she loves
- Giving her tummy time a lot more than the other 2, I would say up to 5-6 times a day
- holding her up, so she centres her head and showing her toys that way

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